Strategic Planning
2022 and 2023 Strategic Goal review and planning
The Strategic Planning Committee gathered to review feedback from focus groups. The committee generated a prioritized list of strategic goals based on the feedback and survey results gathered from the school's various constituencies. A final ranking for each goal was determined, and a near-final draft of goals was sent to select constituent groups, including staff, students, and parents. The goals and timeline for implementation will be finalized in early 2023.
Spring 2022 Strategic Planning Focus Group Meetings
Nearly 100 representatives from various school constituent groups were invited to participate in focus group meetings to share their unique perspectives of the Salesian High School community. The following groups were consulted for feedback:
Partner School Principals
Recent Past-Parents
School Board
We wish to thank all who participated in our focus group meetings. A school-wide survey for all constituencies will be sent in early February 2022 to solicit additional feedback as part of our data-gathering process.
Fall 2021: Salesian Strategic Planning Begins!
In addition to the WCEA Accreditation process underway at Salesian, we have also begun strategic planning for our school’s future. The strategic plan will be the bridge that takes us from mission to vision. We are grateful to a wonderful group of staff and volunteers who have agreed to lead this initiative.
Strategic Planning Committee
Edgar Alonso: Director: Onward Scholars Program
Robert Burke: Director of Student Activities
Alex Chacon: President, Parent, Alumnus
Michael Flores '23: Student
David Galaviz: Alumnus
Adan Jaramillo: Partner School Principal, Board Member
Mark Johnson: Principal
Angelica Lopez: Parent, Board Member
Refugio Lopez: Parent, alumnus, Finance Committee Member
Ryan Rivera '23: Student
Anna-Marie Silva: Regional Superintendent, Archdiocese of Los Angeles
Fr. Steven Way, SDB: Salesian Priest, teacher
National Standards and Benchmarks
The National Standards and Benchmarks for Effective Catholic Elementary and Secondary Schools will serve as the framework for our process and plan. The Standards organize around four domains.
* Mission and Catholic Identity
* Governance and Leadership
* Academic Excellence
* Operational Vitality
Strategic Planning Partner
Salesian is delighted to partner with Catholic School Management on the strategic planning process. CSM facilitated the Archdiocesan Board Development Program in which Salesian participated, so they come to this effort with ample information about us.
Stakeholder Input
If you have suggestions for the Strategic Planning Committee, you can send those directly to CSM at [email protected].
Please keep this project, in addition to our students, families, faculty, and staff, in your prayers. St. John Bosco, pray for us!